St James'

C of E Academy

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Year 3

Year 3


Welcome to the Year 3 class page. Visit this page for regular updates on what the children have been learning about in Year 3.


Mr Clark (3 days) and Miss Makda (2 days) teaches Willow Class, whilst Miss Jones is the teacher for Hazel Class. Mrs Quincey is the teaching assistant across both classes.

Our school day begins at 8:40am and ends at 3:15pm. 

Our PE days is Tuesday, please remember children need to wear their PE kit on this day. We will also visit our school library on Tuesdays, so the children will change their library book on this day, if they so wish.


Please remember:

 a water bottle

 to make sure long hair is tied back 

a piece of fruit or healthy snack for break time. 


We are a nut free school, please can we ask you to check ingredients

to make sure all products are nut free. 


Remember to use our year group email to get in touch:





Children enjoyed participating in lots of time challenges! How many star jumps can you do it 1 minute? How long does it take you to stack 15 blocks? I was surprised by how quickly they completed this. Children were so eager to have another go

Our science lesson today focused on soils: clay, chalk, sand and peat. Children looked closely at them and drew their observations. They moved onto adding water and noted what happened. I was impressed when hearing them use scientific vocabulary that we have recently learned e.g. absorbs, permeable, impermeable, surface, particles..

We made the Great Sphinx out of clay!

Children engaged in so many team building challenges and it was lovely to see how well they worked together! They constructed a strong tower using art straws and masking tape - oh wow! We had a bean bag team relay race too! I was impressed with the acronyms they came up with to represent St James. We had lots of discussions about our behaviour policy and it was great to hear what children would like it to include. We had a wonderful dress down day

Children enjoyed being geologists today and looked closely at rocks.  They investigated which were permeable and impermeable by placing them in water and watching out for bubbles!   Why slate would be a good choice for roof tiles?  

Children read the rest of Marcy and the riddle of the Sphinx with such confidence, lovely expression and intonation. They did well to answer lots of follow up questions and engaged in discussions. Children also wrote diary entries from Marcy's perspective, to share her feeling throughout her epic adventure - amazing work! Marcy solved that riddle - I am sure that children will be able to tell you more about this

During our Geography lesson, we used an Atlas to locate Rivers around the world. Children had a go a drawing the River Nile from the source to the mouth. They also watched video clips and read text to note some key facts about it - impressive work! 

Children enjoyed painting their Ancient Egyptian collars. 

We started our Ancient Egypt history topic. Children were eager to share stories and items given to them by family members who had recently visited Egypt.

Children used their magnifying glasses to look closely at different rocks and sorted them according to their properties. 

Performing poems

We read the clues carefully to solve the Easter bunny problems.   Everyone got their Easter chocolate egg!

Children enjoyed building their stone age house!    They started off by exploring free standing structures around school then having a go at creating a mini version.   After lots of research, they designed and built their own stone age house.   

In maths, we were solving practical perimeter problems.   Is the perimeter of a rectangle always an even number?   Explain your reason why with examples.

We investigated water transportation through a celery plant.  Look at what happened!

Year 3 enjoyed world book day!   It was lovely to hear them read with their partner, do a book review, design a front book cover, watch clips of author's talking about their books, write one word on a strip to describe their favourite book and listen to me read at story time at the end of the day.

Year 3 enjoyed being botanists and dissecting their daffodil!   It was lovely to hear them use scientific vocabulary to describe the features.    

We grew cress and recorded our observations over 2 weeks.   

Year 3 enjoyed travelling back in time and joining Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew on their expedition to Antarctica.   They located the  vast continent using their atlas, created some spectacular seascapes, wrote diary entries and newspaper reports.  

Children having a wonderful Christmas time!

Children designed, made and evaluated a bauble for their families to help to decorate for Christmas.  They had a go at different types of stitching and chose which to use.   

Here are some children using the maths resources to help them with their learning.

This was our science experiment testing different surfaces. 

Please see below some of the great writing outcomes Year 3 have already produced this year... 


The children have enjoyed exploring the contemporary text 'Claude In The City' written by local author Alex T Smith and the classic story 'George's Marvellous Medicine. They have already written a setting description, a character description and a brand new story.

Our first design technology project focused on preparing fruit and vegetables harvested in the local area.   Children learnt more about them, discussed, did a food taster session, selected which they wanted to use, designed what they wanted to make (starter salad, pizza main course or a fruit salad dessert), made, had a picnic and evaluated.  We were impressed with their peeling, cutting, slicing, chopping, grating and squeezing skills! 



Year 3 enjoyed participating in children in need activities!  They coloured Pudsey, made a fundraising money box, solved a maths bake sale challenge...

During science, children sorted magnetic and non-magnetic items.  They found out that not all metals are magnetic.   

RE started off with Creation which is the first part of the Christianity timeline on the Big Frieze.  We went on a nature walk to collect some of God's creations.   

In geography, we studied  Bulkington village.  Children looked at images on Google Earth, aerial photographs, ordinance survey maps, historical documents...  The photograph below shows children matching OS symbols to what they represent.  We also did some fieldwork in our local area.  

Below you will find photos and information about Year 3's academic journey through 2022-23.

We made clay pots that were inspired by Ancient Egyptian artefacts

Year 3 enjoyed doing their coronation activities!  Children made flags, bunting, painted their King Charles portrait  in the style of Matisse...

Year 3 went on a trip to Leicester art gallery and museum to learn more about Ancient Egypt...

Children loved being Botanists and dissecting their flower!

New To Year 3 Meeting Information June 2022

Autumn Newsletter

In our first term, we hosted a MacMillan Coffee morning. Parents and carers were invited to get together and raise money for charity. We linked out DT topic to this event. Children learnt about the history of MacMillan Coffee morning, what ingredients were needed for baking and where these are produced. After baking the cakes children were able to decorate their cakes. 


Science investigation to find out which object reflects light the most.

Year 3 Stone Age

The year 3 children have started the  Stone Age topic this half term. We started of by creating Stone Age hand printing using charcoal. Children were very creative by drawing pictures and creating some super hand prints.  

Cave paintings

As we are a Church of England school we have Religious Education (RE) lessons weekly. Our first unit of RE was based on the  Christian story of Creation.  Children enjoyed going to the Peace Garden to collect  items to show God's marvellous creations. We also looked at how the world was created by God.

We also study other religions, so children can understand the world around them. Next term, we will be studying Hinduism. 

God's Creation

Can you earn a Blue Peter Badge?

Spelling Shed and Timestable Rockstar guidance

Children  In Need

Children in need day was wonderful! It was lovely to see children enjoying sticking on Pudsey's bandana, guessing the name, colouring, making boxes, writing poems and eating cakes.  Thank you for all of your donations.  

Christmas jumper day!

Children mummified each other!

World book day Thursday 2nd March Comics.

It was lovely to hear the excitement as children discussed which characters they were dressed as.  We focused on the Dogman Comic!  Children read the story, engaged in role-play and wrote the next part of the comic.  Children showed that they have such a wonderful imagination.   
